God Shall Bring A Great Division, A Great Separation. God Shall Divide Even As This Huge Rock Is Divided. SHIPROCK, NEW MEXICO — 12/22/98 I say when you will believe me and declare me in the same mode, then are many demon powers brought down, I say they are brought down and put under the foot. But I say because my people do not believe me, how may they have power over demons. I speak to thee this day I say stand upon my word, I say believe me, I say go forth in the righteousness of my name. For I say unto thee that when you shall believe me, I say you shall see the demons scurry, you shall see the demon powers brought to nought. But I say when you believe the liar, I say then you party with demons. I say have no party with demons, have no party with unbelief, but I say stand upon me the Living God. I say stand upon my word, stand in my light and declare me. For I say indeed when you will stand in me, I say there is no weapon that is formed against thee that shall prosper. I say rejoice this day that you are privileged to stand upon me the invincible. I say that you are privileged to remain in me, the invincible. Thank me this day my people, that I am the conquering king, and that you are privileged to be mine, and that you may have part of that conquering power when you will believe my word, declare the same, and stand in truth. I say you will know me as the conquering king. I speak unto thee and I say that when you obey me, then are your minds clear. But I say when you offer unto me excuse and partial obedience, I say then your minds are foggy. I speak unto thee I say seek to obey all that I ask of thee and stay under my commandments and I say thy minds shall be clear, I say thy minds shall be clear, clear as crystal, precision, and I say you will be able to move with me. Seek to remain in obedience, and thy minds will remain clear. I speak unto thee this day I say there are no mistakes in me, I say there are no mistakes in me. For I speak to thee this day and I say that I the Living God have brought thee even unto the pinnacle and I say that I shall cause it to split, yeah I say I shall cause it to divide. I say it shall be as a giant rock, dashed asunder. For I say that my power and my glory shall come down and I say that I shall cause to be separated even that which has been put together. And I say that I shall bring a great division I say I shall cause a great separation. And I say that even brother shall fight against brother, and war one with another, and that which was joined together as one shall be separated. For I say I shall divide even as this huge rock is one, I say it shall be as this huge rock split in half. For I speak unto thee this day and I say that my anointed power and glory shall come and I say that I shall cause a great falling away, a great dashing asunder. I say that it shall be the move of my power, and I say that which was strong and mighty as a rock, it shall become as sand. And I say it shall be shifting, I say it shall no longer be sturdy, but I say it shall be as that which once was. For I say no longer will men walk by and praise the glory and praise the magnificence, but I say they shall walk by and hiss. And I say they shall walk by and point their fingers and shake their heads in dismay. But I say that it shall be my work for it is me the Living God who shall bring down that which was once considered to be solid as a rock, solid as a mighty rock. I say I shall cause it to be dashed asunder. I speak unto thee this day I say have not thy confidence in the systems of men, but have thy confidence in me for I am the omnipresent and the glorious. I say all of those who have had their confidence in the systems of men, I say they will find they have no confidence at all. For I speak to thee this day and I say that I the Living God am bringing down, bringing down, bringing down, even those things that looked as though they would remain forever. I say look not at the crafty inventions of men, but look unto me. Know that I hold the very foundations of the earth in my hand, and that I may shift the foundations and cause to crumble. Therefore I say do not look at the little petty things that men have erected, upon the surface of the earth, and think that those things remain. But I say look unto me the Living God, and know that I remain. I speak unto thee this day I say know that my word and my power remain, and that my word does go forth and accomplish that which I send it unto. I speak unto thee this day and I say that I the Living God shall bring a transformation even upon this confused and deluded people. For I say there will be a Spirit outpouring that I will bring, I say it will not be the work of men. But I say that it will be the work of my Spirit. I say men will not be able to divide and separate, and package up what I do. For I say that it shall spring up as it were, even from the earth, that is it shall come up from the roots, it shall come up from small beginnings and it shall be the move of my glory. I say men will be left with their boxes desolate for I will no longer even visit them. I say a confused people, of them there shall come forth a remnant who will be of a clear mind and know me as I am. I speak unto thee this day I say there are no mistakes in this pilgrimage that I have sent thee forth to accomplish, even this day. Therefore I say do not look at your own circumstance nor your own discomfort, but look at me and let my thoughts, let my words, let my anointing fill thee. For I say you have not come to please men, nor give an explanation unto men, but I say that you have come at the unction of my Spirit. And when you obey me, then am I well pleased, and then do I the Living God cause my blessedness to be poured out upon thee for you have obeyed me. I say thank me for the privilege to hear me, for the privilege to obey me, for the privilege to see my work go forth. For I speak unto thee and I say that my work is done in the Spirit far before it is manifest in the flesh. Therefore I say be obedient to be a people who will follow me in Spirit and speak forth my truth. For I say that I the Living God do nothing but what I reveal it unto my servants, the prophets, therefore I say rejoice that I have chosen thee to reveal my works. And I say be faithful and true unto me and believe me and stand upon me. For I say that I am thy rock and I am invincible and I say that I am long standing, yeah, I am forever. I say even this day my beloved, believe in me. And get your eyes off of all circumstance, including the present circumstance and on to me. And I say that I shall cause thee to soar above in the days ahead, yeah soar above the earthly plain where men shall be destroyed, and soar into the realms of my glory. I say you shall see me reveal myself in many miraculous and magnificent ways. I say thank me that I am the remaining God. I say thank me that the gods of men tumble down, and the god of one men shall be replaced by the gods of other men. But I say that I am the invincible and that I remain, I say thank me that I am the remaining God. I say thank me that I am the eternal. I speak unto thee and I say that it is no mistake that I have brought thee unto a cold place, for I say unto thee that men shall suffer cold. I say men shall suffer cold in the days ahead. That is all of the things that have warmed them, will no longer provide their heat, I say all of the things whereby they have considered themselves comfortable will no longer be available and I say men will suffer the cold. That is they will feel as though they are in the cold, that is they will feel alone and rejected, that is they will feel desolated. I speak unto thee and I say this night you will endure the cold, for I say that I will put my covering and my anointing upon thee, and I say that it is not by mistake that I have called thee out to this desolated place. Yeah, that I have called thee out to this place of the cold, for I say you will feel my covering upon thee, and when the cold would try to overtake thee, I say you will pray and crawl into me and I will keep thee. For I say that is how it shall be in the days ahead. When you will crawl into me, that I shall keep thee, and I shall keep thee from the bitterness of the cold. I speak unto thee this day I say there are no mistakes in me, I say there are no mistakes in me therefore I say rejoice. I say there is no mistake in the way that I have positioned thee, I say there is no mistake in the ways that I have moved thee, and I say there is no mistake that I desire thee to be ingrown, that is grown into me. For I say unto thee that the world shall become so advancingly wicked and perverse, that any who will seek for the world will seek for death. I say seek not for the world nor the baubles therein but seek for me, I say grow into me, I say concentrate upon me, I say dedicate unto me. For I say the more that my people are consecrated unto me, the more that I move for my people. I say be ye a separated, isolated, consecrated people unto me, and I say that my glory shall rest over thee and I shall make the way for thee. I say even in times of tribulation, that I shall be thy strength and thy rearguard, and I shall be thy glory and thy mercy. I say look unto me even this day, rejoice, be glad and know that even in the most cold of circumstance that I am able to keep thee. Yeah I say look unto me as thy warmth, I say look unto me as thy life, look unto me as thy strength. I say it is not a play thing the words that I speak unto thee, I say pay heed unto my words for I say when my people will pay heed unto me I will instruct my people and guide them in the way. I speak to thee this day I say pay heed, pay heed, pay heed unto me. And I say that my mercy shall rest over thee, I say thank me that I shall cause thee to triumph in a wicked and perverse generation. I say thank me that I shall keep thee, I say thank me that I shall direct thee, that I shall instruct thee. I say thank me for my omnipresence and my glory. I say thank me that you are privileged to be mine and obey my commands unto thee. I speak unto thee and I say, oh yes, oh yes, I will move. For I say that I am the omnipresent God, I say that I am the glorious God. And I say when you will cry out unto me, to see me move, I will move and I say that I will move in this land, and I say I will move in this region. For I say that I have sent thee back, I say I have sent thee back even to what they believe to be their origin and I have given my word in that place and I speak to thee this day, and I say oh yes, I will move. (WRITE US AND REQUEST GENERAL JIM'S TEACHING ON DVD, "THE GREAT DIVISION," TAUGHT MARCH 12, 2017, WHICH PERTAINS TO THIS SHIPROCK PROPHECY AND THE FULFILLMENT OF GOD'S WORD THAT IS TAKING PLACE IN AMERICA RIGHT NOW!) |